Sunday, January 10, 2010

... The Reason for My Absence


Bekah said...

YESSSSSSS!!! Congrats! So excited!

The LeValley Family said...

Congrats! I just happened to check your blog today...haven't checked it in a long long while! What great timing! Due date?

Judy said...

:) Congratulations!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I am extremely excited. :)

Love you,


Kate Thomas. said...

Congrats! How far? You are funny! All the fb comments that you never directly answered! They have lead us to believe that this announcement would be coming! We are so excited for you! I hope that all the pregnancy yuck isn't too bad for you.

Chalene Baird said...

FINALLY!!!! I've been waiting for this post! =D Congratulations you guys!

Kate Van said...

Yippy! Being parents is so much fun- I'm thrilled for you guys!

abbey said...

Congrats Michelle!

Libby said...

Congratulations to the soon-to-be super mom!!! Now get rid of that iphone! ;)

Jessica Rockey said...


Katherine M. said...

You are in for the most incredible journey, Michelle! We are happy for you.

Michelle said...

Thanks All!

Kate - I'm 12 weeks. Yes, apparently once you're married, being hungry = pregnancy. Who knew?! :)

Katy - I'd like to talk with you sometime if that's ok. I heard you delivered at the birthing center and I wanted to hear about your experience there.

Bethany said...

HA HA. Its what happens when everyone takes a blogger break. HEE HEE. I got your FB message so as soon as you know the next news let me know.

anne said...

no. way.