Saturday, April 18, 2009

... Springy Feelings

Blooming azalea bushes... Warm sun... The disappearance of rain...

They all just give me a renewed sense of energy.

They make me want to....

Sew up a new spring purse.

What have you been doing to take advantage of this nice weather?


Bethany said...

That is beautiful I love it!!! I am knitting up gifts for babies that I am way behind on....knitting in cotton though for most of them so less of a winter feel too it.

Rebekah Judd said...

Cutest purse ever! I'm actually doing yard work...raking out last fall's leaves, etc.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous bag! The weather is making me plan our garden for this summer obsessively.

Catherine said...

Wow! That bag is huge!!! ;)

AmyB said...


Jessica Rockey said...

Spring... makes me want to tap a nap... with the windows open. Creative, right?

Libby said...

Nice! I bought a sewing book from Ross the other day - it made me think of you. :) I hope I have an inkling of your discipline and creativity!