Saturday, June 02, 2007

... Steinbeck

My online book club just finished reading and discussing John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath.

We cover a book a month, with the member who chose the book facilitating that months discussion. May was my month and I probably should have asked you to join us at the beginning, but I had no idea that this classic would turn out to be one of my all time favorites. If you've never read it, or if you covered it in High School out of obligation and it's been a while, I highly recommend picking it up.

Feel free to check our our comments (start from the bottom post and work your way up) and add your own to the mix. If you're at all interested in participating in a regular basis we'd be happy to have you. Upcoming books are listed here.


Anonymous said...

Grapes of Wrath - my favorite book of all time. What God used to make me aware of those downtrodden and outcasts and poor. Everyone should read this book. Amazing. In your face. Undeniable.

Ashleigh said...

Glad it was a good read! I'm hoping I have time to participate next month. It's been awhile since I've been involved in the discussions.

Did you see the film "The Pursuit of Happyness"? Ted and I just watched it on DVD this week. It paints a heartbreaking picture of poverty.

Michelle said...

I haven't seen that movie. I'll add it to my Netflix que right now. Thanks for the recommendation.

Bethany said...

I loved this book Michelle. I read in Jr. High but really don't think I appreciated it then or remembered it at all from then. IT was so good to read it again....and really experience it as an adult. I have to add it to my all time favs too. I need to get on the blog and discuss more. THis has been a hard, busy week for me. It was hard to read pregnant especially the ending but good to read to knowing how blessed I am and how fortunate.