Sunday, May 20, 2007

... Asia de Cuba

Asia de Cuba: A fusion of Asian and Cuban food.
Asia de Cuba: One of the hottest restaurants in Los Angeles.
Asia de Cuba: Trendy food. Trendy people. Sunset Blvd.
Asia de Cuba: $$$$
Asia de Cuba: Calamari Salad. Wasabi Infused Butterfish. Mojitos.
Asia de Cuba: Where Peter took me to dinner Friday night.
Asia de Cuba: A whole other world.


Bethany said...

Oh I am going to have to get Aaron to take me there...when little girl has come out and I can eat again. HEE HEE. Looks like fun. And sounds yummy

Jenn said...

Beautiful, how fun!! :)

Judy said...

Yummmmm.... I love fusion restaurants. What was it like being surrounded by trendy people, eating trendy $$$$ food in trendy LA?

Billie said...

This is so beautiful. Thanks for the photo.

Jennifer said...

Wow! How amazing. I'm glad you were able to go there.

anne said...

whoa...that place looks incredible! Sounds amazing!

Michelle said...

I does, doesn't it Anne? BTW, photo is courtesy of the restaurant website. I didn't take it. :-)

Leslie said...

Love the picture.. looks so romantic.