Monday, April 03, 2006

... My Big God

It's thunderstorming outside right now. It's late and I have all the lights in the house off so I can watch the storm better. One of my dear friends, Jennifer, just called me to make sure I was okay. She was frightened by the storm and thinking she was glad she wasn't all alone; which lead to thoughts of me being all alone. She's sweet. I'm blessed to have her as my friend. I didn't have the heart to tell her that thunderstorms are one of my favorite things. There is such power in them and they help me to remember just how big my God really is. The fingers of the bolts seem random, the energy of those ground hits feels powerful, the force of the winds and rain could destroy... but none of it is beyond Gods knowledge, power, or control. That zap of electricity through the air is barely a whisper in His world. He is a big God.

I had dinner with a friend of mine, Jessica, and her new fiance David. Those of you who know Dave & Jessica most likely have your mouths open in disbelief, but, yes... I did say fiance. They are engaged to be married and will have an amazing story to tell their children one day. God chooses funny ways to be made glorified 'cause I sure do remember listening to Jessica as she disclosed the depths of her hatrid toward Dave. Now I will stand up in their wedding ceremony as a witness to their vows to love and cherish one another until death parts them. He is a big God.

And now that we are on the topic of friends about to make new vows that cancel old ones... I clearly remember Rebekah telling me she would never marry Paul. In three short weeks, I will be standing up in their wedding as well. Again, the humor and kindness of a big God. {Update: Thought I'd add Paul and Reb's webpage link:
Just click here
to see pics and find out more details about their wedding}

So, I sit here watching the storm and pondering the mysterious ways of the big God I serve. That is to say, I sit here grateful and in awe.


Ashleigh said...

Michelle, loved this post! What a great reminder as I start a new day -- the mysterious ways of a big God!

Also, I'm excited to hear about Dave and Jessica. I never knew she disliked them, just remembered seeing them together.

Ashleigh said...

Oh -- I forgot to say how much I miss thunder storms!!! It rarely rains here. Maybe 3 times in 8 or 9 months. But, we do get snowstorms. So that's cozy.

Bethany said...

Wow I didn't know they were back together. How exciting. When is the wedding?

We get rain here but not much in terms of Thunderstorms. I miss them too. That and fireflies. Cool pic.

Michelle said...

They don't have a date picked out yet but most likely end of the summer.

Charissa said...

Yipppeeee!!!!! I had a feeling God was going to work something out with Jessica and Dave :0)

I feel the same way about thunderstorms ... and waves crashing hard against the rocks ... forces of nature that could so easily destroy, yet they are under the control of an all-powerful God (who could also so easily destroy yet chooses to love ... )

I wish I could be there for the Judd wedding. Post a couple pictures for me, will you?

Ashleigh said...

Yes, pictures from the wedding would be great!

Michelle said...

Sure thing! ;-)
They are such a happy couple those two. It's fun to watch them together. So in love. I'll be sure to post pics of their wedding in a few weeks.

Ashleigh said...

Thanks so much for adding the link to their site on The Knot! It was fun reading their thoughts about each other and hearing about the proposal.

Michelle said...

Shutter Speed: FAST AS JUNK
Rest: Can't recall. I'm not THAT good. ;-)