Monday, February 25, 2008

... My New Glasses


Sarah said...

I love them. Kind of makes me wish I wore glasses!

Bethany said...

Super cute. Yeah I don't wear glasses either....but if I did I would want ones like that. They look great on you

Heatherelle said...

Love 'em! You've got a great face for glasses -- I've never seen you in a pair that didn't look good!

hosanna said...

i really like look so sophisticated! when are you coming down to the big D for a visit?

Ashleigh said...


Jennifer said...

I wish I looked stunning in glasses like you :) Those are great glasses- love the look. See you soon!


Jessica Rockey said...

Fabulous Friend! My sis just got some pretty cool glasses... I went with her to pick them out and it took us forever! I never thought of it being such an important, life-altering decision!

" He looks better in glasses... it distracts from the.... 'roundness." -Lucille Bluth (reguarding her son, Buster)

P.S. OMG! I have an exact replica of ' Baby Buster' in this production we're doing. He doesn't realize it, but he's just like him! I laugh the entire rehearsal!

Lizzy said...

super "chic" (the one that rhymes with "week") hee hee. ;o)

Anonymous said...

Very sophisticated. You look great!

Miss you,


Ginger said...

this picture looks like it should be on the wall in Lense look great!I love when its time for new glasses

Judy said...

Oooooooo, very nice. I love them! They look great on you, or you make them look great... ;)

Didn't Lucille say Buster looks like a lizard in his glasses?